Sunday, 9 August 2015


Sunday, 2 August 2015


Clear evidence of the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation - at Super Woofer yesterday
So the promised album became a five track E.P, though all the tracks are relatively long...But nonetheless it has appeared and made its debut in the world yesterday at the SuperWoofer audio fair. It was a lovely event with lots of cool stuff going on - though I have to say I wasn't all there myself; I had to do an all-nighter Friday to get the covers done. But what did I experience through a fog of near hallucinatory tiredness was highly enjoyable. Many thanks to all who stopped to chat, listen and a big thanks of course to all that bought one. It may not be apparent in the picture, but I was (and still am) buzzing that I'd actually got it done.

The tracks are (though not necessarily in this order on the CD):

In The Fifth Year parts 1 & 2
History Will Be My Judge
July 2015
The Chariot

The cover artwork is, as promised hand-printed by myself. It is comprised of lino and foam cuts made by me. The imagery is drawn from the track The Chariot - which was very nearly the title of the release, but for a variety of reasons, one of which was the relative ease of carving 6 letters as opposed to 10 and another was the content which seemed to focus on shame but in the more nuanced sense that the German word has; of wrong, blame and accusation as well. Hence Schuld.

So here's some pictures - click on image for full-size slideshow:
Front cover - foam print on gatefold card

Cover - front and back. Foam, rubber letterpress and lino cut on gatefold card (yes the fly and horse are in The Chariot as well

The Faecal Sword - lino cut on gatefold card (you'll have to listen to the track) and the label - lino cut and letterpress on paper

Label - lino cut and letter press on paper CD label
Inside cover

 If you want one - and I can't see why anyone wouldn't - it's available from me, £5 + p&p. Just email me and I'll stick one in the post. I will be setting up a DISFIGMENT/BANKRUPSEA website that will have future releases on it. There will be future releases, rest assured. I will also stick a sampler on soundcloud - it'll be linked here, of course - cos I suppose it is possible that you might want to hear what it's like.