Wednesday, 4 October 2017


Image copyright Zenopress 2017

Achilles often raises a sweaty fist to squint through sweat or rain at the display of his smart watch placidly blinking information on his heart rate, pulse, steps taken – many and too many – speed, direction. The watch dutifully uploads this to a website every minute, where he recalls - he thinks he recalls - algorithms collate it into graphs and tables every twenty four hours. He imagines brightly coloured horizontal lines crawling across the screen describing peaks and troughs, intersected by black verticals describing heart rate over distance, strides over time, breaths over heart rate. It was part of some sponsorship deal or other. He’s forgotten by now with whom or what the deal was made.

The brief excerpt above is from a piece of prose in a new anthology which is just out from Zeno Press. All the work in it is inspired by, or related to one of Zeno's paradoxes. Mine takes Achilles and the Tortoise as its starting point. My fellow contributors are:

Richard Skinner 
Maria Fusco 
Steven J Fowler 
John Boursnell
Liz Zumin 
Paolo Inverni 
Jeremy Evans
Nicola Woodham
Claudia Kappenberg 
Giovanna Coppola
Clover Peake
Tasha Haines 
Christian Patracchini

Get hold of it from here. 

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