Wednesday, 22 July 2015


The title/logo of my new imprint. Text from the Bike Cemetery.
A very slight and oblique clue about the album - could be title or dominant trope

On Saturday 1st of August, I will have a table at the SuperWoofer sound fair (1-11pm, free entry) at Matts Gallery 42–44 Copperfield Road, London E3 4RR.

I will be flogging a newly released CD of tracks that are unavailable online with a lovely hand printed cover. It will be the launch of my new imprint (logo at the top of the page).

It's more guitar heavy - though admittedly mostly one or two chords, so no heroic virtuosity - than anything I've posted up here. Two of the songs deal with places - one directly with a real place and the other a fractured allegorical origin tale of a place. One evokes a journey by car. One is a recontextualisation of an  intelligence-insulting political cliche much bandied about. 

It's comprised of stuff I've had lying around on my computer for a number of years and have sort of tinkered with on and off, that now seems ripe for an airing. It's partly about exorcising some of my old (post) punk ghosts, and partly about how these are fucking great tracks that should be heard.

All going well, there will also be a companion CD of experiments and oddments that are more abstract but hopefully as rewarding. I don't know what sort of cover that will have. I also don't know yet which will be the E.P. and which the album.  I have also made a booklet of image/text treating of the Bike Cemetery that simply needs printing - if I get that done it'll be available to buy at the event too. It all depends on available time/energy/money.

So come along if you can, gentle reader, and buy some top quality noise and poetry; or just come and say hello and have a drink. It promises to be a great event in any case.

You can get the CDs after the launch direct from me as well, just write and we'll sort it out. 

Sunday, 19 July 2015


Video still courtesy of Nicola Woodham 2015

If any of you are in the South East London area tomorrow - or even east London, what with the very effective overground connection that now exists - and you fancy seeing and hearing some psychedelic noise performance, come along to Goldsmiths College, 3rd floor of the Ben Pimlott Building. Check out the installation that will be open before 6 - and the rest of the MA fine art shows beforehand whilst you're at it.

I'm accompanying the great Nicola Woodham in her vocal piece Garg. She will be using a costume and effects pedal on her voice and I'll be playing noise guitar and some percussion through a space echo and synth. Feedback and resonance will abound.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015


Here's my contribution to the Critical Waves research podcast project. It was broadcast, amongst others, on Resonance FM yesterday evening.
The entire programs are archived here and here and are well worth a listen in their entirety.

I enjoyed making this so much that I'm thinking of putting more of my research into sonic form and uploading it here, so listen out.